Lightweight editors, theming and usability improvements for Eclipse
Copyright 2013-2025 - Brainwy Software Ltda.
Theme by orderedlist
Releases history
Release Highlights for LiClipse 12.0.1
- Updated to Eclipse 2024-12 (4.34).
- Updated PyDev to 12.0.1.
- Support for Python 3.13
- Support for type alias syntax
- Parsing type vars (still missing semantic analysis).
- Support for Annotated[cls] in code-completion
- Added condition to resolve as True|False in templates
- Updated typeshed
- Updated PyDev debugger (pydevd) to version 3.3.0
- Updated minimum Java version requirement to Java 17
- Changed ruff linting command to ruff check to match breaking change
- Improved docstring assist to properly handle multi-line function signatures
- Converted paragraph wrapping functionality from Jython to Java
- Changed Surround with try..except to use try..except Exception as
- Supporting trailing commas in multi-line with statements
Release Highlights for LiClipse 11.1.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2024-03 (4.31).
- Updated PyDev to 12.1.0.
- Fixed issue parsing await inside of case block.
- Call django.setup() when running django unit-tests (with builtin unittest runner).
- Fixed corner case where wouldn't be properly gotten with previous approach when running
- Template variables converted from jython to java code (
- Properly building With Eclipse 2024-03 (fixes by Florian Kroiß).
- Using flake8 binary instead of getting from python works (fix by slaclau).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 11.0.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2023-12 (4.30).
- Updated PyDev to 12.0.0.
- Only Python 3.8 onwards is now supported
- Python 3.6 and 3.7 support is now dropped (please
use LiClipse 10.2.0 if you still use it).
- Debugger
- sys.monitoring is now used in Python 3.12 (and it's much faster
than any previous version).
- A new setting was added in the Preferences > PyDev > Debug to debug
just my code (meaning that when stepping it will just step into files under PyDev
source folders).
- Improved the step into function (activated with Ctrl+Alt then Click
function to step into).
- Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 was dropped (only Python 3.8 onwards is now supported).
- Ruff
- Ruff can now be used as a code formatter.
- The latest ruff (0.1.x) is now supported (as it broke backward compatibility in its
0.1.0 version).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 10.2.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2023-09 (4.29).
- Java 17 is now required.
- Updated PyDev to 11.0.1.
- Support for Python 3.12
- Improvements in:
- Code Analysis
- Docstring generation
- Type inference
- ruff integration
- isort integration
Release Highlights for LiClipse 10.0.1
- LiClipse is now available for Mac M1 (aarch64).
- LiClipse is now notarized on Mac OS.
- Note on Mac OS installing new plugins won't work properly right now (if you need other plugins please
use standard Eclipse and install LiClipse as a plugin in it).
- The configuration files are now saved out of the installation folder by default (and thus are reused when
installing a new version).
- In Windows the settings will now be under
- In Linux and Mac OS the settings will now be under
- Updated PyDev to 10.1.4.
- Updated to Eclipse 2022-12 (4.26).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 9.0.1
- Updated PyDev to 10.0.1.
- Fixed issue parsing exception groups on Python 3.11.
- Fixed issue which prevented JDT (Java) files from being opened in the Project Explorer.
- A better error message is shown when using an unsupported Python version.
- Debugging
- Updated Linux DLLs to fix PyInt_FromLong not found in Python 3.11.
- Consider that paths are not case sensitive on Mac OS.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 9.0.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25).
- Updated PyDev to 10.0.0.
- Only Python 3.6 onwards is now supported
- Python 3.11 is now supported
- Python 2.7 support is now dropped (please use LiClipse 8.2.0 if
you need Python 2.7).
- Type inference
- PyDev will now use typeshed by default.
- It will still fallback to builtins introspection when needed.
- Many improvements were done in the area which should result in better code-completion and find
definition in general.
- Debugging
- When evaluating slow repr a note is shown related to the environment variable which should be used
to customize it.
- Silence warning given when debugging gevent.
- It's now possible to use pydevd in DAP mode directly.
- All the items in tuples and lists can now be seen when expanding.
- Chained exception frames are shown in the in stack.
- The cause message on chained exceptions is properly shown.
- ctypes arrays are properly enumerated when debugging.
- The debugger is cleared after fork in non-python process.
- Top-level async is supported when evaluating in debugger/console.
- Step in/step over support for IPython.
- "PYDEVD_IPYTHON_COMPATIBLE_DEBUGGING" = "1" needs to be set in the environment
when debugging IPython.
- Properly stop at line 1 in frame eval mode.
- Properly consider that argv[0] may be None.
- Use to open file stream (to avoid EncodingWarnings with PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING).
- Protect against exception in linecache.getline.
- Auto-attach to subprocess with .zip targets.
- It's now possible to resolve symlinks when sending paths to the client.
- Warnings when evaluating in repl are shown.
- Errors with conditional breakpoints are clearer.
- Breakpoint log messages are now printed when stepping too.
- frame.f_locals is no longer called multiple times when assigning locals after evaluation.
- If pandas has lower defaults for repr, use them.
- Handle case where client may send files with different casing.
- Fixed segfault attaching debugger to a running process.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 8.2.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2021-12 (4.22).
- Updated PyDev to 9.3.0.
- Debugging
- Fixed issue where the variable children wouldn't expand correctly.
- Fixed some case where automatic connection to subprocesses wouldn't work.
- Debugging with Pandas is much improved with the addition of some custom converters.
- Opt-in support to show paused greenlets by setting GEVENT_SHOW_PAUSED_GREENLETS=1.
- Support for newer versions of gevent.
- Information on user settings paths is cached to fix issue with slow debugging using pipenv project.
- A warning is shown if getting some attribute / getting its repr is slow.
- Interactively inspect matplotlib plots when the QtAgg backend is used.
- Support for PySide2.
- Better error messages in case Python 3.11 frozen modules are being used.
- Note: this will be the last debugger version supporting
Python 2.7.
- Newer releases will target only Python 3.6 onwards.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 8.1.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2021-09 (4.21).
- Updated PyDev to 9.1.0.
- Improved Python 3.10 support in debugger.
- Type inference improvements.
- Properly loading environment variables from conda.
- Fixed issue which could lead to infinite recursion.
- Fixed issue in Java JRE bundling in Mac OS.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 8.0.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2021-06 (4.20).
- Updated PyDev to 9.0.0.
- Initial support for Python 3.10.
- Support for running with Java 16.
- Opt-in support for using typeshed module.
- Debugger improvements.
- Performance improvements when traversing files to index the PYTHONPATH.
- Updated EGit.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 7.3.0
- Updated PyDev to 8.3.0.
- Improved UI for Flake8.
- Linters configuration may be saved to project or user settings.
- Option to add comments all at a single indent (note: this is now the default).
- LRU for context-insensitive completion/quick fix.
- Fixed some code-completion cases where self was wrongly added.
- Environment variables are now supported in .pydevproject (expected format:
Release Highlights for LiClipse 7.2.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18).
- Updated PyDev to 8.2.0.
- Integrate with Flake8.
- Comments added at current indentation (by default).
- Single linter call (PyLint/Flake8/MyPy) when requested for a folder.
- Improvements in interpreter configuration.
- Updated EGit.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 7.1.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2020-09 (4.17).
- Updated PyDev to 8.0.1.
- Interactive console improvements.
- Debugger improvements.
- Support for from __future__ import anotations.
- Updated LiClipseText to 2.2.0.
- Support for TypeScript
- Support for JSON
- Support for RobotFramework
- Improvements to the LiClipse Dark theme
- Theming is now applied to the whole IDE (including preferences) by default.
- Tree scroolbars on Windows are themed on dark themes.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 7.0.1
- Updated PyDev to 8.0.0.
- Support for Python 3.9.
- Quick fix to convert string to f-string.
- Debugger improvements.
- Updated EGit.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 7.0.0
- Updated PyDev to 8.0.0.
- Improvements in Mypy integration.
- Debugger improvements (especially in the frame evaluation mode).
- Improvements to type inference from type annotations.
- Test running fixes with nose and binary output.
- Code completion inside f-strings.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 6.3.0
- Updated PyDev to 7.7.0.
- Improvements dealing with typing information
- Improvements in Mypy integration.
- Improvements in PyLint integration.
- Fixes for dealing with latest pytest.
- Fixes for dealing with latest cython.
- Support for namespace packages.
- Updated EGit.
- Bundled java updated to OpenJDK 14.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 6.2.0
- Updated PyDev to 7.6.0.
- Fixes in parsing Support for Python 3.8
- Debugger improvements.
- PyTest integration fixes.
- Updated EGit.
- Updated Base Eclipse to 4.15 (2020-03).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 6.1.0
- Updated PyDev to 7.5.0.
- Support for Python 3.8
- Debugger improvements.
- Updated EGit.
- Updated Base Eclipse to 4.14 (2019-12).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 6.0.0
- Updated PyDev to 7.4.0.
- Support for Python 3.8
- Debugger improvements.
- Updated EGit.
- Updated Base Eclipse to 4.13 (2020-09).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.3.0
- Updated PyDev to 7.3.0.
- Debugger improvements.
- Use black with executable (and not in default interpreter).
- Code completion with non-english locale.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.2.4
- Updated PyDev to 7.2.1.
- Debugger improvements.
- Performance improvements in console hyperlinking.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.2.2
- Updated PyDev to 7.2.0.
- Debugger improvements.
- Fixed issue where pipenv executable search was being executed over and over when it was not found.
- Updated EGit.
- Updated Base Eclipse to 4.11 (2020-03).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.1.3
- Updated PyDev to 7.0.3.
- Debugger performance improvements (on Python 3.6 onwards).
- Mypy can be used for doing code analysis.
- Black can be used as the code formatting engine.
- It's now possible to use pipenv for managing virtual environments.
- It's possible to manage virtual environments from the editor (Ctrl+2, pip/conda/pipenv).
- Updated EGit.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.0.3
- Updated PyDev to 6.5.0.
- Debugger improvements.
- #region/#endregion code folding.
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I to change default interpreter.
- Scroll lock for interactive interpreter.
- Updated EGit.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.0.2
- Updated PyDev to 6.4.4.
- Fixes in debugger.
- Fixes parsing f-strings.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.0.1
- Updated PyDev to 6.4.3.
- Critical fix in debugger which could deadlock when starting a thread.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 5.0.0
- Updated Base Eclipse platform to 4.8 (Photon).
- Updated PyDev to 6.4.2.
- Fix dealing with f-strings.
- Multiple fixes in debugger.
- Fix in code formatter dealing with blank lines.
- Fix sending editor line to interactive console (F2).
- See for more details.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.5.3
- Updated PyDev to 6.3.3.
- Fix in debugger conditional breakpoints.
- Fix in racing condition on jython scripting.
- Fix in code formatter with matrix multiplication operator.
- See for more details.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.5.2
- Updated PyDev to 6.3.1.
- Updated Egit to 4.11
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.5.1
- Updated PyDev to 6.3.1.
- Folders no longer require __init__ to be considered a package.
- Properly recognize cx_Oracle.cp36-win_amd64.pyd as cx_Oracle
- Handle empty numpy arrays in debugger.
- See for more details.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.4.0
- Updated PyDev to 6.2.0.
- Updated to Eclipse 4.7.2rc3.
- Fixed issue on partitioning when requesting a sub-region.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.3.1
- Updated PyDev to 6.1.0.
- Text editor more tolerant to issues in style range.
- Integrated macro keyboard recording:
- Record and playback of Eclipse commands and keypresses in the scope of a text editor.
- Also added to Eclipse incubation. See more details at:
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.3.0
- Updated PyDev to 6.1.0.
- Text editor more tolerant to issues in style range.
- Integrated macro keyboard recording:
- Record and playback of Eclipse commands and keypresses in the scope of a text editor.
- Also added to Eclipse incubation. See more details at:
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.2.0
- Updated PyDev to 6.0.0.
- Manage packages with pip or conda from within PyDev.
- Configure project to use same grammar as interpreter.
- Subword navigation.
- Other improvements. See for more details.
- Updated Eclipse to Oxygen 4.7.1 RC4.
- Fix handling unicode when parsing using TextMate grammars.
- Fix on templates code-completion with a text selection.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.1.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.9.0.
- Faster debugger on Python 3.6.
- Fixed issue with Lucene integration
- Other improvements. See for more details.
- Updated Eclipse to final Oxygen (4.7) release.
- Using the tm4e engine for parsing files based on a TextMate grammar (
- Improvements to parse in a thread when file is changed.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 4.0.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.8.0.
- Fixed some issues in PyLint integration
- Fixed IronPython debugger support.
- Fixed issue on code-coverage integration.
- Code coverage working with pytest.
- Many other improvements. See for more details.
- Updated Eclipse to Oxygen (4.7 RC3).
- Fixed Mac so that it won't break after updating
(see Download: Updating Native Install for instructions on how
to properly upgrade Mac).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.6.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.7.0.
- Improved PyLint integration
- Fixed Jython debugger support.
- Many other improvements. See for more details.
- Updated EGit to 4.7.0.
- Updated Eclipse to Neon.3 (4.6.3).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.5.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.6.0.
- Faster debugger (only supporting Python 2.6 onwards now).
- Debugger properly displaying variables when connected to interactive console.
- super and pytest fixtures properly recognized in the type inferonce engine.
- Many other improvements. See for more details.
- Fixed issue where filtering results wasn't working properly for LiClipse text searches.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.4.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.5.0.
- Many bugfixes (in refactoring, imports handling, code completion debugger and Python 3.6 syntax).
- Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O can be used to open the last hyperlink in the console that's currently
open (it's now possible to jump directly to the error in some exception).
- Ctrl+2,sw switches the target and value in assign statements (may not work properly if
more than one '=' is found in the line).
- Allows adding local imports to the top of the module.
- See for more details.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.3.0
- Updated PyDev to 5.4.0.
- Python 3.6 supported.
- Launch with python -m
- Debugger shows return values.
- See for more details.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.2.1
- Updated PyDev to 5.3.1 (see for details).
- Updated LiClipse themes to have a different highlight for the default tab (selectedTabInitialBackground,
selectedTabActiveInitialBackground in the theme preferences).
- Fixed default colors for some themes and fixed heap status color.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.2.0
- Supporting CMake by default.
- Properly making filename associations (non-extension based) for TextMate Bundles.
- Updated PyDev to 5.3.0 (see for details).
- Updated EGit.
- Updated Eclipse to 4.6.1.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.1.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.0.6
- Based on Eclipse 4.6 (final)
- Updated EGit.
- Updated PyDev to 5.1.2 (see for details).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.0.3
- Based on Eclipse 4.6 RC1
- Updated EGit (fixed a critical issue in the git staging view).
- The LiClipse editor component (LiClipseText) is now open source (
view for more info).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 3.0.1
- Based on Eclipse 4.6 M7
- Requires Java 8 to run
- Fixed scrollbar issue on Git Staging view
- JavaScript editor using Nashorn instead of Rhino for JSLint and Beautify.js
- Note that JSLint doesn't officially support Nashorn, so, a patched version is needed.
- Nashorn is much faster than Rhino, so, opening a big file to be linted should no longer
halt the IDE.
- Removed scrollbar theming from trees and tables due to some bugs (users that want can still enable it by
installing Xiliary).
- Updated PyDev to 5.0.0
- Improvements in debugger, pyunit view persist across restart, super() code completion and wrap
expression deadlock
- Updated EGit
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.5.4
- Updated PyDev to 4.5.5
- Improvements in code-completion, pytest integration, python 3 parsing, debugger and django tests running
- Accepting hyphen for tags/attributes in XML editor
- Themed ScrollBar disabled by default for Trees/Tables (can be manually enabled at General > Appearance >
Color Theme)
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.5.3
- Updated PyDev to 4.5.4 (it had a critical fix in debugger)
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.5.2
- The trees and tables now have styled scrollbars when using the LiClipse theme (using Xiliary scrollbar enhancements).
- CSS and SCSS languages use textmate bundles for highlighting
- Updated PyDev to 4.5.3 (fixes in debugger and improvements in the PyUnit view)
- Updated Eclipse to 4.5.1
- Updated Startexplorer to 1.7.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.5.1
- The comment prefix now works properly for TextMate based languages
- Fixed issue handling TextMate rule which affected the Ruby syntax highlighting
- Updated to PyDev 4.5.1
- Updated EGit
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.4.0
- Fixed critical issue where indent rules were being applied without a new line on textmate bundles
- Added RAML editor support
- Updated to PyDev 4.4.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.3.0
- Improvements on the parsing structure, resulting in:
- Improved performance on syntax highlighting and outline creation.
- Scopes from TextMate rules are properly kept
(so, code-completion now works for more TextMate languages).
- A new view which shows an HTML preview for the HTML,
Markdown and RST editors
(it can be activated in Window > Show View > Other > LiClipse > LiClipse HTML Preview, or
by using Ctrl+3 > LiClipse HTML Preview)
- The new search had some bugs ironed out.
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.2.0
- Improved searching capabilities
- Workspace searches based on Lucene indexes.
- Provides a way to search in external folders.
- Provides a way to search open editors.
- Results search page allows additional filtering based on paths.
- Linux Shell files supported.
- Windows bat files supported.
- PERL is now supported.
- Swift is now supported.
- New view to explore LiClipse languages.
- New view which shows the partitions for the current file to help when creating a language.
- Improved performance in partitioning.
- GTK 2 is set as the the default backend in Linux
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.1.0
- Support for TextMate Bundles
- PHP is now supported
- Ruby is now supported
- Markdown is now supported
- Workspace Mechanic is no longer bundled by default in LiClipse
- Improved theming
- Standalone based on Eclipse 4.5rc2a
- Updated EGit and PyDev
Release Highlights for LiClipse 2.0.0
- Nim is now supported
- Go is now supported
- Jinja2 is now supported
- JavaScript editor:
- It's possible to specify the jshint.js and beautify.js location in preferences > LiClipse > Javascript
- The code-formatting settings may be tweaked (see: Customize
Javascript for details
- Fixed some syntax highlighting glitches (related to handling of Regular expressions)
- Added some missing keywords to the JavaScript definition
- Mako had some improvements in the highlighting
- Multi-page editors (such as the plugins manifest editor) now also have multiple cursors and vertical indent
guides support
- Updated EGit, PyDev and AnyEdit
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.4.0
Themed scrollbars
- May be enabled at preferences > general > appearance > color theme > apply scrollbars theming
- Turned on by default on Windows
- Affects all StyledTexts (including editors and console)
Image showing themed scrollbars:

- The default encoding for all platforms is now UTF-8
- PyDev was upgraded to 3.9.2
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.3.0
- YAML: syntax errors are now reported for YAML
- It's now possible to open an external editor passing the line. The pattern accepted is "LiClipse
- PyDev was upgraded to 3.9.1
- Eclipse was upgraded to 4.4.1
- The bundled java was upgraded to Java 8
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.2.1
Indent Guides
- Vertical indent guides are now available (applied to all Eclipse editors by default)
- Options may be configured at Preferences > LiClipse > Vertical Indent Guide
- Upgraded to PyDev 3.9.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.2.0
- It's now possible to specify the JSHint configuration for a project. View JavaScript editor customization for details
- It's now possible to specify the HTML code analysis/code formatting configuration for a project. View HTML editor customization for details
- JSHint updated to the latest version (2.5.4)
- Regular expressions on javascript are now properly colored
- The Javascript editor now supports ES6 (EcmaScript 6) constructs (but JSHint analysis must be manually
configured to accept those constructs)
- AnyEdit no longer removing trailing chars by default (only for LiClipse standalone)
- Upgraded to PyDev 3.8.0
- Upgraded to latest EGit
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.1.2
- Upgraded PyDev to 3.7.1 (had critical issue where the minimap could deadlock in Linux).
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.1.1
- StringTemplate is now supported
- YAML is now supported
- The minimap is now shown for LiClipse editors
- The minimap is now shown by default
- The scrollbars for LiClipse editors are now hidden by default (as the minimap provides a proper replacement)
- Context menu in editor > languages, provides option to edit the language definition for the current file
- The HTML/Django editors allow the user to add Breakpoints in Django Template files for debugging
- LiClipse editors are no longer set as the default editors
- Upgraded to PyDev 3.7.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 1.0.0
- It's possible to launch languages with support for hyperlinking. See: Running/Launch for details
- F9: Launches using editor language
- Ctrl+Shift+F9: Terminates the last launch and relaunches it
- Ctrl+Alt+F9: Terminates all launches
- Ctrl+F11: Relaunches the last launch
- Extending a language to add templates is easier. See: Templates for details
- The Julia language is now supported
- If there's some text selected, completions that don't use the selection are not shown
- When a completion requires a selection or block, it won't appear if no text is selected
- Fixed issue on numbers syntax highlight
- Added the Eclipse 4.4 Dark theme as an option
- Upgraded to Eclipse 4.4.0
- Upgraded to PyDev 3.6.0
Release Highlights for LiClipse 0.9.9
Release Highlights for LiClipse 0.9.8
- Upgraded to Eclipse 4.3.2
- Upgraded to EGit 3.3.0
- Upgraded to PyDev 3.4.1
- Change default: line numbers shown
- Change default: print margin shown
- Change default: spaces instead of tabs
- Change default: search incremental
Release Highlights for LiClipse 0.9.7
- EGit is properly themed
- Kivy Language is now supported
- Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are bound by default to next/previous editor
- Quick Access (in main toolbar) is now properly themed
- Compare editors from LiClipse provide syntax highlighting when diffing
- Improved code-completion in xml editor to create a new tag from word next to cursor
- Added editor icons for more editors
- Adding some templates to java language editor
- Mark occurrences is now provided (text based)
- Shift+Alt+O may be used to toggle mark occurrences
- Improved default theme a bit
- The theme is reapplied when LiClipse starts to deal with changes on existing themes (may be turned off in
the color theme preferences page)
- It's possible to specify a color for the editor current line background and another color for other widgets
(tree, table) current line background